Download Bullspree App on your mobile and register with your phone number.
Choose Beginner or Expert
Select the level of your Learning according to your knowledge.
Create a Portfolio
Make your winning team by selecting the stocks on which you are confident.
Join the Contest to Start Learning the Learning contests
Now you are ready to sail the boat, just click on continue to join the contest.
Wait For Results
Finally, sit back and relax. Let the leaderboard shows your final score!
Choose Category
Pick a category of your interest and get ready to Compete the contest.
Predict to Participate
Select a question from the category selected and predict the answer before the contest starts in order to participate.
Join the Contest
Enter the contest by paying the joining fee. And, Ready, set, GO!
Track Results
After joining the contest, you'll be able to see a real-time poll of other players' predictions. Once the contest has ended, view your results on the completed contest page
Win Rewards
Stand a chance to win exciting rewards if you win the contest.